Todah Rabah! (thank you very much)
In Strong’s Concordance of the Greek and Hebrew and Chaldean Dictionaries, it states that יהוהStrong’s Hebrew #3068, which is The Tetragrammaton (YHWH), comes from Strong’s Hebrew #1961 the verb root יהה (hayah), meaning [the verb “to be”] (if you study further, you will find that יהה(hayah) is Arabic, and means “to make fall.”
The Theological Word Book of the Old Testament (word #484) says that הוה (hawah) which is Aramaic, is the older form of the verb root יהה (hayah), which is Arabic.
אהיה אשׁר אהיה (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh), is what God spake to Moses at the “Burning Bush.” אהיה Ehyeh which is the Sacred Name of God in Ancient or Paleo-Hebrew language and alphabet.
So what really happened? אהיה אשׁר אהיה (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh) is what originally was and should have remained in Exodus 3:14 in the English, Spanish, etc. Bibles, of this Three-Word-Name, God used to identify himself to Moses and then to Israel.
Yet the Jewish scribes that went into Babylonian Captivity around 587 B.C., which did not worship the true God, known as אהיה Ehyeh in the Old Testament, (which was the name revealed to Moses) but had adopted the language and alphabet of the land of their captivity being Syriac or Aramaic being one in the same.
Well then, the only problem remaining to be solved is the sequence of events leading from the Three-Word-Name אהיה אשׁר אהיה (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh) The True Sacred Name, which was originally given to Moses in Exodus 3:14, and which you will find still recorded in many if not most of the Hebrew Bibles at one end and The Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH), which we find as the root word of Jehovah and Yahweh in most English and Spanish Bibles, which is claimed to be the Sacred Name of God spoken to Moses at the “Burning Bush” at the other end.
אהיה אשׁר אהיה (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh) [The Name God Gave to Moses at the Burning Bush, and which should have remained and not superimposed with יהה אשׁר יהה (hayah asher hayah), and then interpolated with “I Am That I Am” in most English Bibles.]
יהה אשׁר יהה (hayah asher hayah) which is an Arabic word, whereby translates into “I Am That I Am” shown in English Bibles, but יהה (hayah) means “to make fall.”
הוה (hawah) which is an Aramaic word, meaning “life” or “to be.” and is the Older form of the above Arabic word יהה (hayah). [here we find the very word which has been deliberately modulated and transformed virtually without question into the יהוה The Tetragrammaton (YHWH)]
Thus, הוה (hawah) which is an Aramaic word, meaning “life” or “to be.” is modulated into: יהוה The Tetragrammaton (YHWH). Just by adding the “yod” י, to הוה (hawah), the יהוה Tetragrammaton is formed.
Whence is derived the guess names Jehovah and Yahweh from the יהוה The Tetragrammaton (YHWH) as the root word, which we find in most commonly in our English and Spanish Bibles.
article by: David Harp
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